Guillermo Cecchi
Sat 26th – 9:00 AM
Instituto T.J. Watson – IBM Research, EEUU
Chair: Bruno Bianchi, Universidad de Buenos Aires / CONICET
The recent experience of accelerated vaccine development under the pressure of the covid pandemic, the massive adoption of consumer electronics and the explosion of AI capabilities signal a dramatic shift in the implementation of clinical trials, which have been particularly ineffective and onerous in mental health. We will present results from ongoing and recently completed large longitudinal clinical trials for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Chronic Pain, Prodromal Psychosis and outcomes across all mental health conditions in which massive streams of clinical data are combined with at-home ultra-high frequency digital information including smart phone use, geolocation, and semi-structured and free-form language to provide a holistic and quasi-real time assessment of the participants, and will discuss the analytic and interpretation challenges that emerge in these demanding studies.