Welcome SAN2024

Welcome to the website of the XXXIX Annual Meeting of the Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias – SAN2024. We are pleased to announce that this year our Annual Meeting will be held at the IFIBYNE Auditorium (Ciudad Universitaria – UBA) from October 25th to 27th. During these days we will enjoy excellent lectures and scientific discussions led by renowned national and international neuroscientists.

As every year, the organizing committee has made a great effort to raise the necessary funds to carry out the event. However, this year is very special because the economic problems affecting our country and the scientific system have made the search for funds and their distribution more complex. Because of these economic difficulties, the committee decided to put more effort into a proposal that would prioritize scholarships so that first authors of posters could attend the meeting. To facilitate this coverage, it was decided to hold the meeting in a venue with more affordable rental costs and better accessibility for most participants. At the same time, and with a vision that includes concern for the environment, only badges will be printed, and no plastic cups will be distributed. Instead of coffee, hot and cold water dispensers will be provided to minimize both costs and the use of plastic bottles. In addition, a simple lunch will be provided for those attending the meeting.

Although the economic situation this year will lead to a more austere congress than usual, we hope that the efforts of the committee will compensate for this impact on the number of participants, so that we can enjoy three great days of scientific meetings and discussions.

The meeting will be held exclusively in face-to-face format.

In addition, two pre-meeting Courses will be dictated on October 23 – 24.

Both the Organizing and the Executive Committee are looking forward to seeing all of you at the meeting!

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