Round Tables

Round Table – Organised by Comisión SAN sobre Política Científica

Friday 25, 18:30 – 19:30

This activity will be carried out in Spanish.

Round Table – Organised by Comisión SAN sobre Género y Diversidad

Saturday 26, 12:30 to 13:30

This activity will be carried out in Spanish.

Construyendo Puentes: Una Guía para la comunicación Directores-Estudiantes – Organised by Red de Estudiantes de Neurociencias

Sunday 27, 12:30 to 13:30

The activity organized by the Red de Estudiantes de Neurociencias in this SAN 2024 meeting aims to generate a guide to enable and energize conversations between directors and students on relevant topics in their professional relationship. Previously, a survey will be conducted to the community to find the key points to be addressed in the activity. The objective is to obtain a manual of suggestions in order to carry out fruitful conversations that will result in more stable relationships, working on differences in expectations that could harm the relationship and/or the well-being of one or both parties.

This activity will be carried out in Spanish.

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