V-078 | Cognitive fatigue in multiple sclerosis: an objective measure

V-078 | Cognitive fatigue in multiple sclerosis: an objective measure 150 150 SAN 2024 Annual Meeting

Disorders of the Nervous System
Author: Lucia Bacigalupe | Email: lucia.bacigalupe@hotmail.com

Lucia Bacigalupe, Mastroberti Gloria,Aldana Marinangeli, Natalia Ciufia, Mariana Zarza, Lucia Ibarra, Lucas Lapalma, Ricardo Alonso, María Bárbara Eizaguirre

Multiple Sclerosis University Center (CUEM), Neurology, Ramos Mejia Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Cognitive fatigability (CF) is considered a way to objectively measure the fatigue symptoms of patients with Multiple Sclerosis (PwMS). Aims: Compare the CF in patients and healthy controls (HC). Analyze the association between CF and clinical, cognitive, and demographical variables. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out. Clinical and cognitive variables were evaluated. This study applied the EDSS, the FSS, the BDI-II, and the complete neuropsychological battery from PwMS. CF was obtained from an index calculated by a difference in the first half and the rest of the PASAT and the SDMT. Parametric and non-parametric statistics were used, p<.05 was considered significant. Results: 140 PwMS and a group of 50 HC were analyzed. Patients presented a mean age of 36.4±9.0 years and mean education of 13.6±3.60 years. The HC showed a mean age of 33.5 4±10.6 years and a mean education of 14.5±4.48 years. No significant differences were found in age (p=.064) and education (p=.134). Statistically significative differences were found between groups in the CF measured by SDMT test (p=.007), being patients the ones who presented a high index of CF. The lineal regression model showed that gender is a predictor variable of the CF measured by the PASAT (p=.017, β=0.206). No association was found between CF measured by SDMT and clinical, cognitive and demographical variables. Conclusion: PwMS presented a higher CF than the HC and that gender could be associated with fatigability.

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