All Plenary Lectures will be delivered at Aula Magna, Pabellón 2.

The tip of the iceberg: clock neurons and structural remodeling of the postnatal brain
Fernanda Ceriani
Fri 25th – 9:00 AM
Laboratorio de Genética del Comportamiento, Fundación Instituto Leloir, Argentina

Molecular mechanisms and roles of neuron-glia interactions and their roles in synapse and myelin development, plasticity, and repair: insights from the inner ear and prefrontal cortex
Gabriel Corfas, Ph.D.
Fri 25th – 17:30 PM
Professor and Associate Chair for Research, Department of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery
Director, Kresge Hearing Research Institute
The Lynn and Ruth Townsend Professor of Communication Disorders
Michigan Neuroscience Institute Affiliate Faculty
The University of Michigan

AI Challenges for Large Longitudinal Clinical Trials in Mental Health
Guillermo Cecchi
Sat 26th – 9:00 AM
Instituto T.J. Watson – IBM Research, EEUU

A brain made of burning coal: brain health research and multimodal neuroscience
Agustín Ibañez
Sun 27th – 9:00 AM
Global Brain Health Institute, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland y Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat), Santiago, Chile

Large-scale cross-brain recordings during cognition: initial steps towards finding meaning in all that variability in neural activity
Carlos Brody
Sun 27th – 16:00 PM
Laboratory for Quantitative and Computational Systems Neuroscience, Princeton University and Howard Hughes Medical Institute