D-052 | Exploring Reactivation through World Cup Memories: A Speech Quantitative Analysis

D-052 | Exploring Reactivation through World Cup Memories: A Speech Quantitative Analysis 150 150 SAN 2024 Annual Meeting

Cognition, Behavior, and Memory
Author: Guillermo Meriño | Email: guillermomerino1997@gmail.com

Guillermo Meriño, Corina Révora, Laura Kaczer,  Luz Bavassi2°4°

Departamento de Física, FCEIA, UNR
Departamento de Física, FCEyN, UBA
Laboratorio de Lenguaje y Cognición. Departamento de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Celular, FCEyN, UBA

The quantification of memory processes is an ever-evolving area in neuroscience. Memory reactivation is the phenomenon in charge of memory transformation. Autobiographical memories, the ability to recall personal experiences, pose a challenge due to their high variability, complicating systematic and quantitative analysis. This study’s primary objective is to determine reactivation’s role in the free recall of autobiographical memory, particularly whether reactivation leads to an update in its content and structure. To achieve this goal, we will compare autobiographical memories that have been previously reactivated (6 months before the interview) with those that have not. The corpus of narratives was obtained from autobiographical interviews, where participants were asked to recall the day of the World Cup final and the day of the match against Saudi Arabia. We will analyze the interviews by applying NLP-derived metrics such as the number of unique words, positivity and negativity percentage probability, and first-neighbor coherence. Through this approach, we aim to identify markers of memory plasticity in the structure and content of the narratives.

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