D-012 | The forebrain of microchiroptera (Tadarida Brasiliensis and Myotis sp) according to the Prosomeric Model.

D-012 | The forebrain of microchiroptera (Tadarida Brasiliensis and Myotis sp) according to the Prosomeric Model. 150 150 SAN 2024 Annual Meeting

Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology
Author: Valentina Heck | Email: francoluceroarteaga@hotmail.com

Valentina Heck, Franco Lucero Arteaga1°2°, Ana Inés Portu,  Mariela Mondino, Mónica Alejandra Boeris, Ana Abrego Alvarez, Sofía Labegorra,  Bruno Ribeiro Do Couto, Miguel Ángel García-Cabezas, José Luis Ferrán

Centro de producción de Animales de Experimentación, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa.
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Neuroscience, School of Medicine, Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
Department of Human Anatomy and Psychobiology, School of Medicine, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain. Institute of Biomedical Research of Murcia –IMIB, Virgen de la Arrixaca University Hospital, Murcia, Spain.

Microchiropteras or microbats belongs to the order of chiroptera that mainly inhabits caves or nests and are well-kwon for using echolocation instead of their visual abilities to catch preys. In our study were selected the insectivorous species Tadarida brasiliensis and Myotis spp. living in Argentina. The prosomeric model proposes that the vertebrate brain is regionalized along its anteroposterior and dorsoventral axis. Each anteroposterior partition constitutes a neuromeric unit that is composed of roof, alar, basal and floor plates. Our aim was to determine the main prosomeric subdivisions of the microbat forebrain and its principal alar and basal plate domains. We therefore performed an analysis of the forebrain regions using immunohistochemical reaction, Nissl staining but also ACHe and Gallyas reactions. Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH), Calbindin (CB), Calretinin (CR) and NeuN immunoreactions allowed us to identify major anatomical landmarks such as the nigrostriatal, fornix, retroflex tracts and posterior commissure but also specific derivatives from the telencephalic, hypothalamic, prethalamic, thalamic, pretectal, and midbrain regions. Nissl staining, ACHe and Gallyas reactions complemented the structural analysis. The analysis revealed an expected conserved regionalization, but also helps to clearly define each prosomeric unit, which will allow to accurately identify the main derivatives of each topological domain. Grant: Fundación Seneca (21903/PI/22).

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