D-048 | Semantic integration of words in Guaraní: An EEG study on the impact of practice in language learning using Duolingo

D-048 | Semantic integration of words in Guaraní: An EEG study on the impact of practice in language learning using Duolingo 150 150 SAN 2024 Annual Meeting

Cognition, Behavior, and Memory
Author: Ramón Javier Igarreta | Email: igarretaramon@gmail.com

Ramón Javier Igarreta, Camila Sobrino, Laura Kaczer

Laboratorio de Lenguaje y Cognición, FCEN-UBA
Departamento de Ciencias de la Vida, ITBA

Learning novel words in a new language is a challenging process for our memory systems. The aim of this study is to determine the diagnostic characteristics of the consolidation of new words in a second language in young adults, using an ecological approach. The study was carried out using Guaraní in the Duolingo learning platform. A group of 24 people used the platform for 5 weeks, after which they attended the laboratory to carry out an in-person experiment. We sought to determine the influence of the degree of practice on the integration of new words from a passive reading task coupled to an EEG recording. The results show statistically significant differences in the intensity of the N400 potential between different levels of practice of the new words. This suggests that the most practiced words are more integrated in semantic memory. On the other hand, the power bands of the time-frequency representations show a statistically significant difference in the alpha band (8-12 Hz) in the left lateral region. Additional trends were observed in some regions in the alpha, beta (15-20 Hz) and theta (4-8 Hz) bands: an increase in power in the theta bands and a decrease in power are observed alpha, in new known words. These results validate the analysis of the N400 evoked potential as an electrophysiological marker of the integration of new words into the mental lexicon, for more common and less controlled learning situations.

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