D-006 | Phytocannabinoids increase adult neurogenesis in specific pallial regions of zebrafish.

D-006 | Phytocannabinoids increase adult neurogenesis in specific pallial regions of zebrafish. 150 150 SAN 2024 Annual Meeting

Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology
Author: Emilia Deleglise | Email: emilydeleglise@gmail.com

Emilia Deleglise1°2°3°4°, Gonzalo Carnevalle1°2°3°, Luz Mazzaro,  Jose Lobera1°2°,  Lucas Mongiat1°2°3°4°

Departamento de Física Médica
Universidad del Comahue

In zebrafish, the central nervous system (CNS) exhibits global network remodeling driven by adult neurogenesis. Previous studies show that the zebrafish forebrain expresses high levels of the CB1 receptor across the pallium. Phytocannabinoids, have been shown to influence these cannabinoid receptors, playing a significant role in processes such as synaptic activity, neuronal excitability, and adult neurogene-sis. Here, we aimed to test if phytocannabinoids impinge on pallial adult neurogenesis in zebrafish. We found CB1 receptor expression in specific regions of the zebrafish telencephalon in mature as well as adult-born neurons, but not in neural stem cells (NSC). Phytocanna-binoid treatment (THC 1ug/ml, CBD 1,6ug/ml, for 60min) reduces motor activity. In concordance with the CB1 distribution, the treatment does not affects NSC proliferation. Next, we assessed the phytocannabinoid effects on adult-born neuronal survival by pulse and chase of the thy-midine analogue, EdU. After 12 days of EdU administration fish were subjected to phytocannabinoid treatment for 13 days. We found that treatment increase adult neurogenesis specifically in dorso-anterior and dorso-medial pallial regions. We are currently characterizing the neurophysiological effect of phytocannabinoids on pallial circuit function.

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