S-098 | “Sleeping on it”: Untangling the interaction between sleep and frustration

S-098 | “Sleeping on it”: Untangling the interaction between sleep and frustration 150 150 SAN 2024 Annual Meeting

Neural Circuits and Systems Neuroscience
Author: Martina Holz | Email: tiniholz@gmail.com

Martina Holz1°2°, Nina Possamai2°3°, Ruben N. Muzio2°3°,  M. Inés Sotelo2°3°

Escuela de Bio y Nanotecnologías (UNSAM)
Grupo de Aprendizaje y Cognición Comparada, Laboratorio de Biología del Comportamiento (IBYME-CONICET)
Instituto de Investigaciones, Facultad de Psicología (UBA)

Sleep, a universal state observed in every animal, is typically preceded by specific
preparatory routines such as finding a sleeping spot, grooming, and nest-building. These
behaviors are essential for sleep consolidation, and disruptions in these routines, particularly
due to negative emotions, may affect sleep quality. The hypothesis guiding this study is that
emotional regulation and sleep are interconnected, sharing common neural circuits. To
explore this, we utilized a rodent model of emotional frustration known as consummatory
Successive Negative Contrast (cSNC), which achieves frustration/emotional dysregulation
induced by the unexpected devaluation of a reward. We combined this protocol with pre-
sleep routine analysis via video and wireless EEG/EMG monitoring to track sleep/wake
rhythms. Our preliminary results after the cSNC protocol have shown increased locomotor
and rearing behavior during sleep preparation in the first two days following reward
devaluation. Furthermore, we have found possible sleep/wake fragmentation and increasing
time spent awake associated with reward downshift.
We aim to establish an experimental protocol in rodents to model the interaction between
emotional states and sleep, focusing on how pre-sleep distress impacts sleep patterns.
Key Words: Frustration and sleep, Emotional dysregulation, Sleep/wake cycle, Pre-sleep,
consummatory Successive Negative Contrast

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